Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Another trip

Sheetal,Renu and her mum have flown off to the US for Sonia's delivery... hopefully everything goes well and there are no complications and her baby is as cute as her :) Its sheetal's first trip to the US she must really be looking forward to it.

We made yet another trip to Serangoon which has by now become a hangout for me.I know the place at the back of my hands now. TOday we went for Rinki's shopping.She bought a baby pink saree...really soft and feminine. She also managed to get her bangles and necklace set while we were there from 3 to almost 9pm.

Our wedding cards got delivered at 10pm. I had my fingers crossed i was really so nervous cuz i want everything to turn out well especially with all the research and planning i've done... I've begun to think everythin should turn out perfectly....
When i saw the chit i cried...cuz i had told the printer to print 260 hindi cards and 130 tamil cards but he had written that he printed 260 tamil and 130 hindi.I tot i was screwed. Thank god my darling husband to be :P checked it all out one by one and relieved my tension. The printer had mistaken the hindi fonts for tamil ones and labelled them wrongly. Phew! what a relief.

Mum has gone to the temple with some cards so tat she can start distributing them today... i was not able to get the paper i wanted to print the sangeet night cards and so i've ommitted that. Mum will let the people she is inviting verbally.
I really wanted to get the mehndi cards and slot it in as well but i guess it was not fated.

so yeah the caterer is booked, deco is still in the proposal stage,bhangra booked, dj booked, Videographer and photographer booked...all the major stuff covered. so now i'm just left with the Make up and henna. FOr the make up i have shortlisted 3 artists. A freelancer pushpa, Another one from rupini's and one from La vie en rose.Lets see how the trials go... Henna just gotta go down see her works and pay the deposit :)
Will be going for food tasting soon too...Alls well that ends well.

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