Friday, June 1, 2007

The Task List

IF there is any thing you wish to change or add or think you cant handle do drop it in the comments and i'll see what i can do about it...


Anonymous said...

hi this is madhu. just a few things:

1. my mum is very stressed out about the Master of Ceremony things. she says she has stage fright. so she wants another job. she offers to be the bouncer, cos she rather scare ppl. she said babu is a better choice for MC.

2. my mum is also stressed out about the wedding games thing. what kind of games u have in mind? cos my mum is only into party games for kids, wic is prob not suitable. so u sms her exactly wat u want her to do. in ADVANCE.

3. i am cool wit my jobs. i already got a white sari wit pink sequines and its kinda simple but i think its nice, and more importatntly i'll look good. dont understand the flower bit with shweta though.

4. Manisha and sheetal are the WRONG choices for the coffee table book. they both have such WTF looks. they both look angry all the time. so maybe if u can get one person who looks angry so tt the Kahos wont damage ur pricey book and one person who looks HAPPY to ask them to sign it. (i think this is like the frontline to ur wedding, everyone sees this as the first thing. so i thnk importatn)

Anonymous said...

oh and the nicon coolpix thing. we went to best denki and they said that they dont carry this model. just wondering, is it too old or too new. my mom says she will try the more central places for the camera before she goes to bedok. cos i think she doesnt know how to go and doesnt want to admit it.

if for some reason she cant get the coolpix(and i really hope this happen but just in case), can she get the other camera on ur blog?

long comments, i know. :)

Anonymous said...

i object!! with my eloquence and grace i should be in charge of mingling with the guests and showing off in general! they will be well impressed if you let me represent you!! im so cool.

sigh. scratch that. im a mindless moron.

im actually excited! and just for YOU im going to wear indian clothes for the wedding! its v difficult but i shall do it.

Anonymous said...

actually madhu is the end no one will sign up guestbook.coz they will be scared of by manish and me..LOL..

thats was funny wtf look..hahah..

and yea i think yr mum will get lost..better not send her there..

alvin chaand said...

Uh long comments there...ok i'll change the task list here and there and post again... wft looks? lol...thats really cld u suggest a better person to do that?
I think sheetal and manisha are quite friendly though...

Abt the nikon coolpix i'll definitely try to post one or 2 more models in case... :)

Did renu see her tasks? and brothers u therE?