Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Updated Task list

The Updated Task list

Should you have furthur queries, pls do not hesitate to ask :)
Thank you everyone of u for being so helpful :) I really appreciate it!


Sraikh said...

I will be there in spirit.In a nice glamarous halter top blouse and a black and gold zardoshi sari.
of course, my kids will be wearing cute matching outfits.

Sigh one can dream....

I hope you'll continue the blog after your wedding and write updates from Sweden(is that where you going?)

Anonymous said...

Hi sunita!!!
Great to hear from you...
Hmm i really wish u guys could come...
Yup thats where i'm headed to... will be there before anyone knows it.
Definitely will update the blog when i'm there...wont have anythin else to do, besides being a housewife n cooking;)

Hope u liked the saree n outfits for kids n nalin jiju.
Do keep in touch!!!